I am certainly no Jacques Coustea but for the first time in years I have managed to get more than a few meters down to play with the fishes… I have forgotten how isolating the water is and just how big some of the fish are (or at lest seem to be through the misted lens of my Cressi mask) and having spent years riding a multitude of bikes this is the first time in maybe twenty years I have gone below sea level in any meaningful sense. Making a guest appearance with me today are a local Banded Dascyllus (centre stage) and in supporting cast, a Yellow-ear Anglefish.
Photographs with no credits
Its one of those random odd photographs, riding for a few hours and stopping to tumble off the bike into the meadow grass and flowers, kicking back to take of my jacket and boots in the strong alpine sunshine, rehydrating from a bottle of water and eating a snack when I hear the shutter of the Nikon clicking away – turns out the weight of my Hein Gericke jacket has pushed down the release and taken a series of random images – this one just captures the whole day for me, all that’s missing is the smell of the grass and wild flowers and the continual drone of insects as they forage for pollen.
In the shade of plane trees
Continuing on my travels I am grateful of any shade or shelter from either the intense heat or driving rain, railway arches, drive through garages, shop doorways and the ever-present Plane trees all provide shelter and mental encouragement – and to quote my fellow traveller Glen Heggstad “I am not always sure where I am heading, but I am always exactly where I want to be”.