2024 – Post Recovery

Got be honest 2023 was pretty harsh, made redundant, waiting for diagnosis and treatment for my SIRVA injury post covid vaccination and struggling with the death of my Dad. Took me a while to get my shit together but here we are, out the other side and back on form.

Taking time to reflect I have decide to retrain as a Reflexologist, still working on older (pre can-bus) bikes and winter projects and pushing the Overland Motorcycle Preparation Workshop from strength to strength and supporting BN with the development of our prestigious new site, a replacement for the much loved ‘Sunfolk’ in St Albans.

It’s taken me longer than expected if I am honest to get fully bike fit, but Mary and I have plans for 2025, a trip through Norway and Sweden to revisit Porjus and all 317 residents and her first visit to the Avro Lancaster bomber which crashed in nearby marshes after bombing the German battleship Tirpitz during Operation Obviate. Staying in Alta we will make the run to Nordkapp before meeting again in Krakow.