Reminders of things past

Facebook is a funny old thing… I keep getting reminders of all the bike trips I have taken over the years and for some reason a collection of Euro Tunnel tickets stuck to bike petrol tanks seems to be the most evocative. I have a habit of leaving the UK at the end of August (coincides with the children back to school timeline) and travelling north east, ending up somewhere in eastern Estonia, normally then boarding cargo ferry back to Germany via Tallinn, Ventspils or Klaipėda – I love the wild meanderings on the R1150GSA or more recently the lighter and easier to handle XT660Z, with no particular plan or route in mind I manage a few hundred back road or gravel track miles each day, either camping or stopping in last minute rooms overnight — roll on 2022 and resumed long distance multi country rides.

Teithiau Dydd XT660Z yng Nghanolbarth Cymru

Or “Day Trips on the XT660Z in Mid Wales”… Just down the road from the Overland Workshop is Llyn Brianne, test rides and day trips over the Epynt Army Range will lead inevitable to the circular route round Brianne, and in all honesty it is possible to ride a few hundred miles in 7 or 8 hours and avoid most of the traffic on the coastal roads running south from Aberstwyth. I have like many, missed the opportunity for overseas tours so have been making the most of what we have to offer here in the UK, which to be honest, is quite a lot. I dragged the XT660Z out of the workshop and loaded up the MetalMules with lunch and randomly set off on a back road bumble – 7 hours later I was back home… time flies for me on the bike – its a great mental health reset.

Campfire Shenanigans

In my opinion, there is nothing quite like it… end of a long day, cold beer in hand, sitting round a campfire with friends and colleagues, sharing a tale or two of travels completed and actions yet to take. It got me thinking of the things I love most when on the road so in no particular order… the sound of rain on my tent, snuggling back into my Rab Sleeping Bag on a cold morning, that first cup of coffee (maybe in the same sleeping bag), the jet like roar of my MSR XGK-EX stove, clean socks and pants after a long day on the bike, therapeutic bike maintenance the morning of the ride (and the strange reassurance of correct tyre pressures) and the soothing rustle of my Terra Nova Quasar – maybe its just me then…

Domestic Travel

With so many of us longing for longer distance travel options and with restrictions still in place for both EU and non EU entry and exit, let alone the changing dynamic of return to the UK – domestic trips are the answer. In November I was able to return to Scotland (still deep in area by area lockdown) and toured a little of the West coast (avoiding the NC 500) and the wild beauty of the highland uplands. After meandering up the A82 and missing my ferry for Skye, like many I chose the “long way round” and the 836 and one of my favourite roads via the River Tirry. Scotland has some amazing roads, fantastic food and lovely wild camping spots – reminded me of Norway in places and with lockdown continuing into 2021, I will be back this November.