GDPR Update

It is ironic that GDPR has unleashed the biggest amount of spam since that fateful date in March 1989 when Timothy John Berners-Lee woke up one bright sunny morning and invented the internet… anyhow I promise not to sell, share or try not to lose any of your personal data on the basis that you do not subject my mailbox to unwanted junk mail offering me pills, retirement holiday homes or unsolicited HMRC refunds. Its all about trust people and I trust you all, especially the Nigerian princes offering me money in exchange for a small upfront payment, those telling me I have an inheritance and all those wanting to return my missing and winning lottery tickets.GDPR Compliance

Skyteam – Afternoon Delight

They do say classic design never fades and that copying is the highest form of flattery in which case the 1980’s original Japanese bike designers must have got something right. Meandering around one of the Heptanese islands I have been struck by the number of copycat small monkey bikes and narrow engineered enduros – all are perfectly designed for the islands and rough gravel and pitted roads. This well used and sun bleached Skyteam ST200 model was born in 2007 and with 17HP is faster than much of the local taxi and tourist traffic. The ST200 looks like a slimmer love child created by blending a 1991 Honda XR250 and a 1993 Suzuki DR350 – nice to know that classic design lives on care of the Jiangsu Sacin Motorcycle Company based in Nanjing. But one question remains – now that Honda have announced the release of a new 125cc classic monkey bike following on from the success of the Grom, maybe design is going full circle with Honda recreating the Skyteam copy of a Suzuki copy of a Yamaha copy of a Honda original – I can see patent lawyers rubbing their hands together from here…Skyteam ST200