By si niečo na pitie

Going to have to leave the east shortly – these 17 days have raced by with a series of multi lingual exchanges and gesticulations bound by the common thread of an old man riding an old motorcycle – lasting memories will be the torrential rain and the stunning vistas for wherever you look in eastern Europe the people are friendly and welcome you into their homes – the number of times I have been offered a drink when asking for directions – like the two go hand in hand…Eastern Europe Forest

Skyline Roads

Bobbling around between sun drenched valleys and high peaks has been incredible this past few weeks – temperatures have ranged from the low 30s to 2.5c at altitude and “dressing for the occasion” has been a challenge – rain has been a feature but so has laying on my back in alpine meadows watching clouds skit overhead. I have ridden some of the finest mountain roads, come through unlit unused mountain tunnels on the border back roads and squashed snow underfoot only to be half an hour later drinking coffee under the shade of a tree – a series of contrasts linked with just the bike as a constant companion.Road through the alpsAltitude

Staller Saddle Racing

Stumbled across some long boat racing in the Alps this week – the Staller Saddle at 2052 meters is a is a high mountain pass in the mountains on the border between the Tyrol in Austria and South Tyrol in Italy and adjacent the road is a large lake used for traditional boat racing – the pass is stunning and connects the Defereggen valley in Tyrol with the Antholz valley in South Tyrol, is very narrow but a great ride – recommended.Longboat Racing