To say its been breezy here…

To say its been breezy here is a bit of an under statement – night time fun over the last week has revolved around playing cards under the opaque yellow glow of an oil lamp and a few left over Christmas candles such is the vagary of the overhead power supply. We have had it easy compared to some, but I do wonder just were all this water is coming from and how much more the sodden ground can take. It takes no effort to wheel spin the GSA over the mud and gravel now deposited all over the local track and roads – makes even my riding look like dirt track pro…Cwmtudu Winter Storms

Downtime in Austvågøya

Austvågøya could be overshadowed by Higravstinden the huge dominating mountain on the eastern island side but it also shares superb coastal beaches, stopping for tea and dried fish (is this were the British and Norwegian cultures met?) I kicked back in the summer sunshine and marvelled at the clarity of the water which at times allowed you to see the unperturbed marine life in its natural glory. Austvågøya

The GSA is Dead – Long live the GSA

Been a topsy turvy month with the gearbox on my 02 R1150 GSA wearing the main bearings and damaging the gearbox case, its in Cardiff Mototrrad still with Phil working his magic and within a few weeks he will have cannibalised three gearboxes into one new refurbished one for me. In the meantime I have a new blank canvas to play with – the Bumble Bee.The Bumble Bee